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Dawson’s Creek Season 4 Episode 18

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IMDB Rating: 162 votes, average 7.0 out of 10

As Senior Ditch Day arrives, Joey is excited to find herself accompanying Jen on an excursion to New York under the auspices of attending a college meeting. But it’s not long before Joey realizes that they’re there for an entirely different reason. Jen finally talks to her father, for the first time since she left for Capeside. Jen reveals she saw her father in bed with another woman before she left. Meanwhile, eager to infuse their relationship with a bit of spontaneity, Gretchen and Dawson take off on a road trip… But what starts out as unpredictable fun turns into one debacle after another after they get stuck in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire. Back in Capeside, Pacey and Drue find themselves the only seniors in school on Ditch Day. Having had enough, they set out for some real fun, drinking at a bar in the best Drue style, leaving Pacey in serious doubt as to what his future will hold for him.