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Download Film Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Tidak disarankan untuk mengunduh atau mencoba download film Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) di Cinema Keren iD. Undang-undang (UU) No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta merupakan ancaman bagi Anda yang mendownload dan menyimpan file video movie bajakan. Tanggungjawab sepenuhnya oleh pengunjung yang mendownload dan menyimpan file video film Guardians of the Galaxy (2014).


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Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

PG-13Genre: Film Aksi
Year: 2014Duration: 121 MinView: 990 views
IMDB Rate: 25591 votes, average 7.9 out of 10

Light years from Earth, 26 years after being abducted, Peter Quill finds himself the prime target of a manhunt after discovering an orb wanted by Ronan the Accuser.

Tagline:All heroes start somewhere.
Budget:$ 170.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 772.776.600,00
Director:James Gunn, Jamie Christopher, Jonathan Taylor, Matthew Sharp, Paula Casarin, Peter MacDonald, Ryan Newberry
Cast:Abidemi Sobande, Alex Rose, Alexis Denisof, Alexis Rodney, Alison Lintott, Benicio del Toro, Bradley Cooper, Brendan Fehr, Bruce Mackinnon, Chris Pratt, Christopher Fairbank, Dave Bautista, David Yarovesky, Djimon Hounsou, Dominic Grant, Douglas Robson, Ekaterina Zalitko, Emily Redding, Emmett Scanlan, Enoch Frost, Enzo Cilenti, Frank Gilhooley, Glenn Close, Graham Shiels, Gregg Henry, Imogen Poynton, Isabella Poynton, James Gunn, Janis Ahern, Jennifer Moylan-Taylor, John Brotherton, John C. Reilly, Josh Brolin, Jozef Aoki, Karen Gillan, Keeley Forsyth, Krystian Godlewski, Laura Haddock, Laura Ortiz, Lee Pace, Lindsay Morton, Lloyd Kaufman, Marama Corlett, Max Wrottesley, Melia Kreiling, Michael Rooker, Mikaela Hoover, Miriam Lucia, Naomi Ryan, Nathan Fillion, Nick Holmes, Nicole Alexandra Shipley, Ophelia Lovibond, Peter Serafinowicz, Rachel Cullen, Ralph Ineson, Richard Katz, Rob Zombie, Robert Firth, Ronan Summers, Rosie Jones, Sean Gunn, Seth Green, Sharif Atkins, Solomon Mousley, Spencer Wilding, Stan Lee, Stephen Blackehart, Tom Proctor, Tomas Arana, Tyler Bates, Vin Diesel, Wyatt Oleff, Zoe Saldaña

Trailer film Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)