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Download Film The Plot (2024)

Tidak disarankan untuk mengunduh atau mencoba download film The Plot (2024) di Cinema Keren iD. Undang-undang (UU) No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta merupakan ancaman bagi Anda yang mendownload dan menyimpan file video movie bajakan. Tanggungjawab sepenuhnya oleh pengunjung yang mendownload dan menyimpan file video film The Plot (2024).


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The Plot (2024)

Genre: Crime, Thriller
Year: 2024Duration: 100 MinView: 157 views
IMDB Rate: 5 votes, average 4.4 out of 10

Young-il is a plotter who manipulates murder-for-hire cases to look like accidents. Nobody knows those accidents are in fact perfectly plotted, planned murders. After finishing a flawlessly plotted case with no trace of evidence left behind, Young-il receives a new request. His new target is a prominent political figure who is always under the spotlight. Even with the higher risk of getting exposed, Young-il decides to take the case with his team members, Jackie, Wol-cheon, and Jeom-man. When the plot is ready after immaculate preparation and numerous rehearsals, the team finally makes its move, but some unexpected trouble threatens Young-il’s perfect plan.

Tagline:Is it a coincidence?
Director:Lee Yo-sup, Song Byeong-gi
Cast:Gang Dong-won, Hyun Bong-sik, Jang Hee-jin, Jung Eun-chae, Kim Hong-pa, Kim Shin-rock, Lee Dong-hwi, Lee Hyun-wook, Lee Jong-suk, Lee Mi-sook, Lee Moo-saeng, Tang Joon-sang

Trailer film The Plot (2024)