Nonton TV Series Shadow Detective (2022)

Nonton tv series Shadow Detective (2022) online dengan subtitle bahasa Indonesia di gratis. Teks terjemahan hanya tersedia untuk online streaming. Silahkan pergunakan Google Chrome.

Shadow Detective (2022)

Year: 2022Duration: 60 MinView: 354 views
7 votes, average 6.0 out of 10

A veteran detective who is about to retire unfolds a breathtaking psychological warfare with a mysterious man who follows his path while hiding his identity.

Last Air Date:16 Nov 2022
Number Of Episode:8
Sutradara:Tidak Diketahui
Cast:Jin Goo, Kim Hong-pa, Kim Tae-hun, Kyung Soo-jin, Lee Hak-joo, Lee Sung-min

Trailer film Shadow Detective (2022)