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Download Film Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild (2021)

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Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild (2021)

Year: 2021Duration: 58 MinView: 641 views
IMDB Rate: 60 votes, average 5.7 out of 10

In a world where humans and fearsome monsters live in an uneasy balance, young hunter Aiden fights to save his village from destruction by a dragon.

Tagline:Hope. Fear. Pleasure. Pain. Fight. Survive.
Language:English, Português
Director:Steve Yamamoto
Cast:Ben Rausch, Brando Eaton, Brian Beacock, Caroline Caliston, Dante Basco, Erica Lindbeck, G.K. Bowes, Karen Strassman, Katie Leigh, Stephen Kramer Glickman

Trailer film Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild (2021)