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Download Film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

PG-13Genre: Film Aksi
Year: 2003Duration: 143 MinView: 3,437 views
IMDB Rate: 18660 votes, average 7.8 out of 10

Jack Sparrow, a freewheeling 18th-century pirate, quarrels with a rival pirate bent on pillaging Port Royal. When the governor’s daughter is kidnapped, Sparrow decides to help the girl’s love save her.

Tagline:Prepare to be blown out of the water.
Budget:$ 140.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 655.011.224,00
Director:Bruce Hendricks, Gary Romolo Fiorelli, Gore Verbinski, Lisa Mantoux, Peter Kohn, Steven F. Beaupre, Susan J. Hellmann
Cast:Angus Barnett, Antonio Valentino, Ben Roberts, Ben Wilson, Brye Cooper, Christian Martin, Christopher S. Capp, Christopher Sullivan, Craig Thomson, D.P. FitzGerald, Damian O’Hare, David Bailie, David Patykewich, Don LaDaga, Dustin Seavey, Dylan Smith, Félix Castro, Finneus Egan, Fred Toft, Geoffrey Rush, Gerard J. Reyes, Giles New, Greg Ellis, Gregory Ryan Alosio, Guy Siner, Ian McIntyre, Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Israel Aduramo, Jack Davenport, James McAuley, Jerry Gauny, Joe Grisaffi, Johnny Depp, Jonathan Pryce, Jordi Caballero, Jose Zelaya, Keira Knightley, Kevin McNally, Lauren Maher, Lee Arenberg, LeJon Stewart, Lucinda Dryzek, Luke de Woolfson, M. Scott Shields, Mackenzie Crook, Martin Klebba, Matthew Bowyer, Maxie J. Santillan Jr., Michael A. Thompson, Michael Berry Jr., Michael Earl Lane, Michael Sean Tighe, Michael W. Williams, Mike Babcock, Mike Haberecht, Orlando Bloom, Owen Finnegan, Paul Gagné, Paul Keith, Paula J. Newman, Ralph P. Martin, Rudolph McCollum, Sam Roberts, Tamara Castle, Tobias McKinney, Tommy Schooler, Treva Etienne, Trevor Goddard, Vanessa Branch, Vince Lozano, Zoe Saldaña

Trailer film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)